Forum for travelers


dla zainteresowanych spędzeniem Walentynek w Gruzji przesyłam informacje od organizatora - hostelu "Why Me?" w Tbilisi:

Celebrate Valentine's day at "Why Me?"

Usually couples celebrate Valentine's day together in private atmosphere. Why not to do it different this year. We offer you to join us on the celebration of Saint Valentine's day.

Program Valentine's day celebration at "Why Me?"
17:00 Music starts
20:00 Dinner together
22:00 Launching of the love lights
Next day
09:00 - 11:30 Breakfast
12:30 - 16:00 Tbilisi tour
16:00 Lunch
Next day
Optional day trip to the city of love

Price per person 60 GEL (ladies 10 GEL discount) includes:
- Dinner and wine
- Champagne while launching the love lights
- Love lights
- Bed in dorm of the hostel for three nights
- Breakfast, city tour and lunch

Optional a day trip to the city of love, Signagi. In this romantic city you are able to marry 24/7. This day trip has additional costs depending on the amount of people that will join.

Upgrade to private room is possible.

Minimum 10 participants

Please reserve and pay before the 12th of February. Contact us on Whatsapp +995555953055

If you want to know more about "Why Me?" visit us on Facebook or Instagram "whymetbilisi"
Topic edited: 2019-02-14 13:12:01


2019-01-14 12:10:45

Longin :

Mieszkanie na łózkach piętrowych w pokoju wieloosobowym jakoś zupełnie nie kojarzy mi się z Walentynkami :) Na początku są słowa o "prywatnej atmosferze", a pod koniec wymaganie minimum 10 osób !



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